Set 20 years after the events of The Cursed Knight, the storyline follows the son of the original protagonist on a mission to change the past. This game is designed to pay tribute to the beloved games of the 1990s while introducing new elements that expand its appeal. The Cursed Legacy is expected to ship rewards by March 2025, providing an exciting new addition to the library of homebrew titles available for Sega’s iconic 16-bit console. The Cursed Legacy is a direct sequel of The Cursed Knight. The style of gameplay has changed for a new challenge to gamers, a run’ gun action platformer with some exploratory Metroidvania-like gameplay and according the developers, the game is already finished and they’re seeking funding to launch a physical edition. As it stands now, the game has already achieved its funding goal and even multiple stretch goals, one of which is an exclusive mini-game for Kickstarter backers, so it might be a good idea to back the game now while you still can. Features -6 action stages -13 bosses -Action platformer phases -Metroid-like exploration phases -5 mini-games -Save functionality
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