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Illustration of Cybertron Mission

Cybertron Mission


Cybertron Mission is a two-dimensional shooter game, developed by Matthew Bates and released by Micro Power (a.k.a. Program Power) in 1984 for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron and later ported to the Commodore 64 in the same year. The game is heavily influenced by the 1982 Atari 8-bit computer game Shamus, which was itself inspired by the 1980 arcade game Berzerk.

Matthew Bates
Program Power
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

Cybertron Mission - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 915x1320
915 x 1320

Box - 3D

Cybertron Mission - Box - 3D - 600x1020
United Kingdom -  600 x 1020

Box - Front

Cybertron Mission - Box - Front - 768x1200
Europe -  768 x 1200

Cart - Front

Cybertron Mission - Cart - Front - 800x505
Europe -  800 x 505

Clear Logo

Cybertron Mission - Clear Logo - 605x265
Europe -  605 x 265

Screenshot - Game Title

Cybertron Mission - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x512
Europe -  640 x 512

Screenshot - Gameplay

Cybertron Mission - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x512
Europe -  640 x 512