A deluxe backgammon commercial game created by Armin Niggemann, with music by T. Kinnunen, O. Gollanek and A. Stelzer. The game supported one or two players and came out in 1993. Backgammon is a dice game whose history dates back a long time and whose country of origin is unknown. India or China is very likely, because we got most of our games from there. For example, there is an old Indian game called Parcheesi. In Parcheesi, as in backgammon, the player must first bring all of his pieces to the home field before he can play them. In both games, a single uncovered piece is a vulnerability and can be thrown off the board by the opponent. Excavations in Pompeii have revealed carved backgammon motifs in many villas. Some medieval cathedrals in Germany contain backgammon depictions in the church decorations. In the Middle Ages, at least 25 different backgammon variants, then called tabulae, were played in different parts of Europe. From the 14th century onwards, English history and literature increasingly refer to tables, the direct precursor of modern backgammon. Until now, only the aristocracy was allowed to play, which forced the common people to play in secret. For example, books were found that were disguised backgammon games. In the middle of the 17th century, the Danish King Christian IV and the Swedish Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna even played backgammon for the customs rights in the Öresund (the strait between Denmark and Sweden). Become a part of the history and enjoy a game!
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