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Illustration of Vixen



The Vixen is the last human on the planet Granath, which is now ruled by a race of dinosaurs. She has been raised by foxes, and intends to follow through on a promise she made to her elders to wipe the dinosaurs out and restore the planet to humanity.

Each level must be completed within a time limit, by progressing from left to right. She is armed with a whip, a useful weapon for attacking the denizens of dinosaurs on each level. Lots of bonus items can also be whipped to activate them - bonus lives and extra time for example. Tokens to turn into a fox can also be collected - enough of these takes you into a bonus level set underground.

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Martech Games
Alternate Names
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Box - 3D

Vixen - Box - 3D - 560x960
Europe -  560 x 960

Box - Front

Vixen - Box - Front - 500x700
Europe -  500 x 700

Clear Logo

Vixen - Clear Logo - 623x327
623 x 327

Screenshot - Gameplay

Vixen - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
Europe -  640 x 480