A German-language text adventure with still pictures created by Michael Mazur of Vertec Design exclusively published by Berliner Spielekiste SK #172 but later released as freeware. It is based on the solo adventures of the “Black Eye” and the role-playing playbooks "Lone Wolf". Anyone who has one of these and has knowlege of both game systems, you can in principle start playing immediately. At the top left of the screen is the status display of the player. A description follows. Power: The player's life force.At the beginning always 30 points. Courage: The player's courage. Is between 6 and 13 points. Skill: Shows how skillful the player is can behave. Is between 6 and 13 points. Attack: The player's attack power.Lies between 2 and 4 points. Defense: The defense force (has nothing to do with vitamin C to do) of the player.Is between 2 and 4 points. Gold: Number of gold pieces the player has. To the right of the whole thing there is an icon bar with three symbols. With the first you can see the items you are carrying and view objects. The floppy disk symbol is used to load and save Scores. The last symbol is to exit the game. On the top right of the screen are the graphics of the places you go to in the game. The lower part of the game is reserved for the text. Man gets a description of the room and below a few choices that you can easily use by Clicking on the mouse to execute it
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