The Other Side is a strategy game for one or two players based upon global conflict and peaceful cooperation. The land is divided into three separate areas, two player controlled lands, and a surrounding unclaimed frontier. In between the two nations lies an area where the two are separated by a large chasm. The goal of the game is to construct a bridge that spans this gap. In cooperative play, both teams win when the bridge is completed, while in competitive play, the side that places the last brick is the winner. Each brick costs progressively more. Each turn consists of planning your moves for the year, communicating with the opposite nation, executing moves, and a year end report. The player makes money my mixing three types of fuel, one of which can only be found on the opposing nation's land, forcing the two nations to constantly compete by trading or militarily acquiring resources. The player can build new drillers, bombs, and patrols to expand their location or damage or acquire enemy structures. Each side has a Computer Automated Defense (C.A.D.), which, if perceiving aggression from the other nation, will automatically deploy bombs and military units to the other nation's locations. The player has the option to input a code to attempt to inactivate this device, and the opposing player is left unaware whether the attack is automated or player directed, leaving each side in constant conflict. It allows for 1-player versus computer, 2-player play, and 2-player play via 2 connected computers. Game included a board and markers to keep track of positions.
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