The protagonist, Yutaro Miki is a rookie NEET rehabilitation officer. A NEET rehabilitation officer is a staff member of a publicly funded, privately operated organization dedicated to the "rehabilitation of NEETs". With the ongoing increase in NEETs becoming a serious public issue, Yutaro suddenly finds himself assigned to handle three female NEETs. Mei Natsume, who is lethargic and sloppy. Kagami Yumitsuki, who has excessive paranoid delusions. Kaede Suda, who constantly demands game competitions. After meeting with the three and returning to the workplace, Yutaro accidentally overhears a conversation between his superiors on break. "If he can't rehabilitate any of the three, it would be tough for him here on out." If things don't go well, not only failing in rehabilitation, Yutaro himself may become an internal NEET in the company! Will Yutaro successfully rehabilitate the lazy girls and help them find new employment?
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M - Mature