Long ago in a far away fantasy world, there lived a brave cat named Niko. Niko was known in the region for his power, as he had the ability to throw a magic orb that he inherited from his grandfather. Legend has it that the heroic ancestor faced the tyrant sorcerer who ruled the region at that time, he managed to defeat the evil feline, but in the confrontation the magic orb split into two, the sorcerer vanished defeated but before leaving he managed to take one of the two orbs with him, this gave him the power to perpetuate his magic in the shadows since, although defeated, with the little power he had left added to the orb he managed to create some statues and store his power in them to patiently accumulate energy and return. Niko lived quietly in his village, this would change drastically when all the beings in the region chased him to try to steal the orb, "But what happens?" Niko wondered, he discovered an ancient scroll in his grandfather's trunk that reveals the existence of the second orb and speaks of a spell that the evil tyrant pronounced before leaving by which, upon his return, all the beings of the region would be enchanted under his orders without being able to refuse, with the mission of finding our hero and snatching his half of the orb, in order to have all its power, that day has arrived. Help Niko find the statues that guard the keys that open the doors of a dark labyrinth in whose depths is the entrance to the sorcerer's temple where he hid the orb and thus end the curse that weighs on the region and prevent the return of the evil sorcerer cat. Niko must destroy the crystal eyes of the statues and the magical projections with which they attack him in order to access the keys they guard, find the secret entrance to the temple and restore the original orb. Will Niko be able to bring peace to his world? …
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