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A super metroid romhack for both toddlers and adults. Baby Metroid is a new romhack for Super Metroid targeted at younger players. I wrote it for my son, who badly wanted to play but lacked the experience to complete the full game on his own. Story: The death of the Baby Metroid weighing on her conscience, Samus Aran purchases a quantum time engine and uses it to travel back in time, intending to defeat not only Mother Brain but also destiny itself. The game is intended for children, but I have included some puzzles to hopefully make the game interesting for adults too. - Statues of Samus Aran guide the player to hidden blocks. - Single-button blue suit for players who have not yet learned how to use multiple buttons at once. - Sticky morph ball makes navigating tough rooms easier and turns the game into a playground. - Colorized HUD so the item color matches the color of the door it opens. - Spikes and other scary/dangerous elements have been removed or modified to be less intimidating. - New logic turns boss fights into puzzles.
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