Wario Land 3

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Sega Genesis
Game Type type
ROM Hack
Max Players players

Wario Land 3 is a hack of Puggsy for the Sega Mega Drive published by Glorysun. The only real difference is Puggsy's sprites and the title screen being changed. Other than that, the the game is completely identical to Puggsy. Wario Land 3 is a platform game with a combination of action and puzzle-solving elements. You control the theWario, who has crash landed on an alien planet and had his spaceship stolen. Your goal is find the spaceship so you can get off the planet and return home. To do this, you will need to make your way from the start to the exit of numerous levels which take place in a variety of environments. Throughout each level are a variety of objects which you can pick up; on many of the levels you will need to figure out how to use the objects available to you in order to reach the exit. Some objects can used (like a gun or keys), and objects may be thrown, moved around and stacked. Of course, each level will also have a variety of bad guys wandering about which will cost Wario one of his lives if he's caught. On your quest there will also be six evil guardians which will need to be defeated before you get your spaceship back!

Alternate Names

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Action, Platform
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