Frontier Force

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Frontier Force is a fixed-screen shoot-em-up in development for the SEGA Master System. This is a demo of the game's full first stage. As this is a work in progress it may not represent the final game, and may contain bugs. It is likely to be updated so please check back to try a later version as development progresses. Please provide feedback in the comments or elsewhere, this will help me improve the game! CONTROLS D-Pad: move left and right. Double tap D-Pad left or right: Dashing allows you to move through enemies and enemy bullets for a short period. Button 1: shoot primary weapon Tap Button 2: release bomb Hold Button 2: shoot laser Weapon Switching (can be changed in options): Hold D-Pad Down + Button 1 or Button 2 to switch primary weapon. OR Tap D-Pad Up or Down to switch primary weapon. GAMEPLAY Certain weapons are more powerful against certain enemies and this should be a focus to succeed in the game. Your character has access to 6 weapons. The primary weapon has 4 options, plasma, flame, missiles, and chain gun. The plasma has unlimited ammo, the rest can be replenished with ammo pickups. The two other weapons are the laser and the bomb. The laser has limited ammo but can be charged by damaging enemies with the other weapons. The bomb is a one-shot explosion and also has limited ammo. Side note: In the options menu under "Bomb Ammo" if you select "Bomb/Laser" the laser ammo will be automatically refilled if you have a bomb in stock. Flame: high damage against ALL enemies but limited to close range. Missiles: high damage against MEDIUM-sized enemies. Chain: high damage against SMALL-sized enemies. Laser: high damage against MINI-BOSS and BOSS enemies. Plasma and bomb deal normal damage against all enemies. SCORING Killing 3 enemies of the same size in a row produces a score pickup. Medals are dropped when killing enemies, and drop more frequently the better you play. Using the laser to kill enemies will produce medals twice as fast as any other weapon. However, the game will also get more difficult the higher your medal rank (yellow stars in top right). There are many other ways to score to be discovered.

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