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Illustration of Dire Dare

Dire Dare


Hecatia is back! After defeating the fearsome Lycurgus in "Hire Hare", Hecatia has dared to take on the dangerous sorcerers Glanosuchus and Alopecodon, who have made a mansion their fortress. Will Hecatia succeed in this perilous challenge?

The player takes on the role of the sorceress Hecatia, whose goal is to locate and defeat Glanosuchus and Alopecodon, hidden in opposite corners of the mansion. They are initially inaccessible because the mansion is filled to the brim with locked doors: this requires finding four colored keys (which will help with most of the doors) and the three magic wands (which will take care of the remaining doors and are the only devices capable of countering the powers of Glanosuchus and Alopecodon), while various types of hostile ectoplasm become material around Hecatia and drain her energy (which she can recharge using food scattered randomly around the mansion) and unlocked doors open and close randomly to slow the heroine's steps.

At first, Hecatia is limited to walking slowly and casting spells that make a single enemy ectoplasm disappear. The magic wands will grant her new abilities: running quickly, stopping the spontaneous movement of random doors, and exploding more than one ectoplasm with a single spell. Exploding an enemy is worth 50 points; collecting a food item, 10 points; The seven special items (the four keys and the three wands) are worth 1000 points each, as well as defeating each enemy wizard and completing the game. The score is displayed in the lower-left corner of the screen, below the success indicator (a number that adds up the number of wands collected and wizards defeated, and four squares with the colors of the keys found so far) and to the left of the game's elapsed timer (in minutes and seconds) and life points, which start at 99; the game ends when life points drop to zero.

CPC Retro Dev
Amstrad CPC
Alternate Names
No information available
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Dire Dare - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 384x270
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