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Illustration of Blood of Vladula Jr.

Blood of Vladula Jr.


Count Bakula, actor, time-traveller, starship captain, vampire lord, has spread fake photos of Count Vladula jr. helping old ladies crossing streets! Transylvania's monsters have now turned against Count Vladula jr.. A once respected leader in the community, now shunned! He must now travel to Bakula's lair and put a stop to the slandering.

BLOOD OF VLADULA JR. is a 2D platformer inspired by the platformers on the Nintendo Game Boy system. Jump, run, bonk monsters on the head, and turn into a bat, through 8 different levels, including a final boss stage. Help Count Vladula jr. regain the respect of the monster community and defeat his arch-nemesis.

Use the LEFT and RIGHT directional keys to run. Press Z to jump. Jump on a monster's head to knock them out. Jump on an unconscious monster to eliminate them, and they might drop a health point.

Approach an unconscious monster, and press X to lift them up. While holding a monster, press X again to throw them. If you throw them at another monster they will both be eliminated. Some monsters cannot be knocked out, but all monsters will perish if another monster is thrown at them.

While in mid-air, press and hold Z to turn into a bat. In bat form you can fly for a short time before turning back into vampire form. Releasing Z in bat form will turn you back into a vampire.

When positioned in front of a hanging chain, press UP to grab a hold of it. Then when holding on to the chain, press UP or DOWN to climb.

Fannar Karlsson
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


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Fanart - Box - Front

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Blood of Vladula Jr. - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 384x384
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