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Illustration of Elf Curling

Elf Curling


A wee game made for the the 2023 Holiday Bundle.

It is 2 player, but if you'd like to play around with both teams, you can enable 'hotseat' mode in the pause menu which allows using the same controls for both teams.

The goal is to get as many curling stones inside or even barely touching the red (5 points) and blue (2 points) circles, counted at the end of the match. Each elf is assigned a fixed amount of time to do whatever they like, including jumping on stones, riding them around, and pushing around the opponents' curling stones or players.

There are no points awarded for having elves in the circles at the end of the match -- it is just about the stones, for a maximum of 15 points. The last elf has the last-move advantage, but only 7 seconds instead of 10. The first 2 elves get 15 seconds each. Players can decide who goes first with a game of real-world rock paper scissors, and the first player to press X goes first.

Controls: [O] (z on the keyboard) to jump, dpad/cursors to skate around.

Both elves and stones start curling when they are spinning fast enough.

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Elf Curling - Box - Front (World) - 325x250
World -  325 x 250

Cart - Front

Elf Curling - Cart - Front (null) - 160x205
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Screenshot - Game Title

Elf Curling - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 384x384
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Screenshot - Gameplay

Elf Curling - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 384x384
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Elf Curling - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 384x384
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Elf Curling - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 384x384
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Elf Curling - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 384x384
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