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Illustration of Pokémon Ruby

Pokémon Ruby


Pokémon Ruby (口袋怪獸 聖變石 in Chinese regions, 寵物小精靈 結晶塔之王 in Taiwanese regions) also known as Pocket Monster Ruby and Pokémon Pikecho, is a bootleg game for the Game Boy Color likely released around 2002, possibly 2003. Its title is taken from the then-recent Game Boy Advance game of the same name.

The game puts you in control of Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) (though not explicitly stated as being him) and has you traveling to each town and defeating its leader, much like in the traditional Pokémon games. Interestingly there are no wild battles or experience points, instead you start off with a full team of six early form monsters and collect rubies to evolve them into a higher form. Also worth noting is that you can evolve mons into almost any mon of the next evolutionary stage, meaning you can evolve a Bulbasaur into a Charmeleon or a Seadra. Some of the final evolutionary forms, along with legendary Pokémon, are early form Pokémon like Murkrow.

This game is also a major hack of a Digimon-themed RPG developed by Vast Fame, named Digimon Adventure Pocket. Aside from the new graphics and maps, the attack animations and how they work got changed and simplified to match Generation 2 Pokémon moves (only in Chinese releases; the English release still has Digimon Adventure Pocket's attacks). The Chinese releases also feature slightly revised music from Shi Kong Xing Shou but keeps the original's intro theme while the English version keeps Digimon Adventure Pocket's music.

Vast Fame
No information available
Alternate Names
  • Pocket Monster Ruby
  • Pokémon Pikecho
  • Pokémon: King of the Crystal Tower (寵物小精靈 結晶塔之王)AsiaFlag of Asia region
  • 口袋怪獸 聖變石ChinaFlag of China region
No information available
No information available


Cart - Front

Pokémon Ruby - Cart - Front (China) - 382x428
China -  382 x 428
Pokémon Ruby - Cart - Front (Asia) - 367x411
Asia -  367 x 411
Pokémon Ruby - Cart - Front (World) - 1000x1140
World -  1000 x 1140

Screenshot - Game Title

Pokémon Ruby - Screenshot - Game Title (World) - 380x350
World -  380 x 350
Pokémon Ruby - Screenshot - Game Title (China) - 160x144
China -  160 x 144