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Illustration of A Clue's Solution

A Clue's Solution


A Clue's Solution is a shareware puzzle game for one to four players, combining elements from popular game shows like Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!. Players take turns selecting letters to solve puzzles grouped by categories such as Movies, Places, States, Quotes, and Pot Luck. Each game consists of two parts: solving four puzzles that serve as clues to a final answer, with the objective of deducing the ultimate solution based on these clues.

The game offers three levels of difficulty and supports both keyboard and mouse inputs. The shareware version includes five categories with a total of 565 puzzles, and the registered version provides additional categories and an optional puzzle editor. Players can choose between two scoring modes: one that awards points for the final solution only, and another that allocates points for both the clues and the final solution.

Alternate Names
  • ACluSIWorldFlag of World region
No information available
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Screenshot - Game Title

A Clue's Solution - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 640x400
640 x 400

Screenshot - Gameplay

A Clue's Solution - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x400
640 x 400