Sonic Robo Blast 32X is an unofficial port of the fan-game Sonic Robo Blast 2 to the Sega Genesis 32X, spearheaded by the retired co-creator of SRB2 (SSNTails) and the founder of the Sonic ROM Hacking scene (Saxman). Rewritten from the ground-up to work inside 256kb of RAM using the amazing Doom 32X Resurrection/Fusion. The rewrite has provided the opportunity to make some bold changes, such as a completely new control scheme, player abilities, and level design changes. Works on real hardware (Genesis/32X Combo, no Sega CD required) via a flash cart, and also compatible with the Kega Fusion emulator. There's still a lot of work to do, but the intention is to have the entire game ported to cartridge.
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