There are 16 CAVES, each compromised of several scrolling screens. Each CAVE has 5 Difficulty levels. To select a different CAVE, press the arrow keys (or move the joystick) left or right when you are in the menu screen. To select a different DIFFICULTY level, go to the menu screen and press arrow keys (or move the joystick up or down). The greater the difficulty level, the less time and the more jewels you have to collect. You may choose CAVE 1,5,9, or 13 on difficulty levels 1-3. On difficulty levels 4 and 5, you must start with cave 1. In each cave you will find different obstacles (boulders, walls, etc.) and possibly enemy creatures you will need to avoid or trap while collecting or creating diamonds. IF YOU LOSE A LIFE, PRESS LEFT CONTROL OR THE JOYSTICK BUTTON TO RESTART THIS CAVE. Arno can Dig/Collect/Push without moving by Keeping the Left Control Key (or Joystick Button) depressed and using an Arrow Key (or moving the Joystick) in the direction of the object (diamond, boulder or dirt) you wish to affect.
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