Greetings to all, I bring you the 1st collection of Dream B.O.R., this collection uses the Beta 7.1 version of the DreamBOR. The titles contained in this selfboot vitual image are the following: ===================================================================================================== Saludos a todos, les traigo la 1era colección de Dream B.O.R., esta colección utiliza la version beta 7.1 del DreamBOR. Los titulos que contiene esta Imagen Vitual autoarrancable son los siguientes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Double Dragon Gold (Reloaded Edition) - Final Fight Alpha (Shadaloo Invasion) - Head Hunters (Wrath Edition) - Maximum Carnage Returns (DreamCast Version) - Neon Lightning Force (DreamCast Edition) - T.M.N.T: Recolored & Extended (8-Bit Edition)
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