Greetings to all, I bring you the 2nd collection of Dream B.O.R., this collection uses the Beta 7.1 version of the DreamBOR. The titles contained in this selfboot vitual image are the following:
Saludos a todos, les traigo la 2da colección de Dream B.O.R., esta colección utiliza la version beta 7.1 del DreamBOR. Los titulos que contiene esta Imagen Vitual autoarrancable son los siguientes:
+ Art of Fighting Kids (DreamCast Version) + Crime Buster (Remixed Edition) + Final Fight: Apocalypse (1st Edition) + Gabo-Hanzo's Double Dragon Revolution 2 (DreamCast Version) + Shiva & Lisa: Episode Two (Special Edition) + Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Lost in Space (Remixed Version) + World Heroes: Supreme Justice (Extra Plus Version)