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Illustration of Marvel Land

Marvel Land


In the land of Coni, its inhabitants lived in harmony. At its center lies a mountain called "Peace", in which an amusement park known as "Marvel Land" resides. This park is well-protected by the Fairies. Later, King Mole became rule of the under dwellers and sent his minions to take over Marvel Land, imprisoning the Fairies inside crystal balls.

A young lad named Talmit is called upon to rescue Wondra the princess, and free the Fairies from King Mole. Marvel Land consists of five worlds with seven stages each, and the game plays in platform style, in which you need to run through the level, killing enemies, and find the exit door. More often than not, you have to go through a bullseye to reach it. If you hit the bullseye at its center, you are awarded more points than you do by hitting it above or below.

You kill enemies by either jumping on their heads or attacking them with clones, which trail your movement unless you use them to attack enemies or collect food. The clones have a limited life and disappear one by one as you use them.

During the game, you can open any treasure chests that you may find along the way, and release power-ups which include boots that make you increase your speed, dragon wings that enable you to jump higher and giving you the ability to glide to a soft landing, and giving you the use of the "clone" attack. Hidden throughout the sections are warp doors that can either take your backwards or forwards, anywhere within the park. Each section of a world has you riding a roller coaster, in which you must stay on the cars while avoiding signs and enemies.

The last section of each world has Talmit going through the castle to reach the end-of-world boss. Unlike other platform games where you must defeat bosses with weapons, you are challenged to various mini-games starting from "rock, paper, scissors" through to the Musical Chairs variant. If you win one of the mini-games, you are able to free one of the Fairies, and obtain a crystal ball that you need to defeat King Mole. You then proceed to the Bonus Stage where you must collect shooting stars for points. If you lose a mini-game, you are transported back to the start of the last section.

Sega Genesis
Alternate Names
  • Talmit's AdventureEuropeFlag of Europe region


Advertisement Flyer - Front

Marvel Land - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 1280x1800
North America -  1280 x 1800
Marvel Land - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 2417x3032
Japan -  2417 x 3032


Marvel Land - Banner - 870x536
Japan -  870 x 536

Box - 3D

Marvel Land - Box - 3D - 729x1134
North America -  729 x 1134
Marvel Land - Box - 3D - 729x1134
Europe -  729 x 1134
Marvel Land - Box - 3D - 729x1134
Japan -  729 x 1134

Box - Back

Marvel Land - Box - Back - 690x963
North America -  690 x 963
Marvel Land - Box - Back - 1425x2030
Europe -  1425 x 2030
Marvel Land - Box - Back - 1420x2000
Japan -  1420 x 2000

Box - Front

Marvel Land - Box - Front - 680x963
North America -  680 x 963
Marvel Land - Box - Front - 1424x2030
Europe -  1424 x 2030
Marvel Land - Box - Front - 1425x2000
Japan -  1425 x 2000

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Marvel Land - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 817x1239
Europe -  817 x 1239

Box - Spine

Marvel Land - Box - Spine - 92x640
Europe -  92 x 640
Marvel Land - Box - Spine - 305x2000
Japan -  305 x 2000
Marvel Land - Box - Spine - 311x2100
United States -  311 x 2100

Cart - Front

Marvel Land - Cart - Front - 800x518
North America -  800 x 518
Marvel Land - Cart - Front - 992x643
Europe -  992 x 643
Marvel Land - Cart - Front - 800x507
Japan -  800 x 507

Clear Logo

Marvel Land - Clear Logo - 3738x1332
North America -  3738 x 1332
Marvel Land - Clear Logo - 2400x523
Europe -  2400 x 523
Marvel Land - Clear Logo - 2400x1470
Japan -  2400 x 1470

Fanart - Background

Marvel Land - Fanart - Background - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Fanart - Box - Front

Marvel Land - Fanart - Box - Front - 1032x1409
1032 x 1409

Screenshot - Game Title

Marvel Land - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x240
North America -  320 x 240
Marvel Land - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x240
Europe -  320 x 240
Marvel Land - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x224
Japan -  320 x 224

Screenshot - Gameplay

Marvel Land - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x240
320 x 240