Gall Force: Eternal Story is a game that tells an additional tale from the Gall Force anime series, a series which revolves around a galactic battle between the all-female Solnoids and the race known as the Paranoids. This game tells the story of Rabby, the second-in-command of the space cruiser Star Leaf, having to rescue her six crew mates and also destroy the fortress of the Paranoids. The game is a vertical scrolling shoot-'em-up. Players start by flying over the surface of the planet Terra, dodging and destroying enemies until they reach a set of launchers. Each launcher launches the player's ship into a different section of outer space. Each section features more shoot-em' up action until at the end a boss enemy appears. Defeating the boss enemy of a space section will release one the kidnapped crew members from bondage and allow them to rejoin back onto the Star Leaf crew.
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