Based on the Mattel Intellivision game BIPLANES from the TRIPLE ACTION compilation. Requires 2 players. The Amiga sequel SALMON-PINK MAX added a computer opponent. An Amiga indie classic. This game came in two version - Biplane Duel (AKA Bip) was the initial 2-player only version, and later Salmon-Pink Max (AKA Biplanes) which added AI players. Not being an Amiga owner myself I missed out on this game, but it appears to be well remembered in the Amiga community due to appearances on various magazine cover disks. This game is a nicely presented spin on the classic Biplane style game - two planes, a hut in the middle you must avoid on take off, some clouds to hide in and a balloon to avoid / shoot. After a quick play of the 2 player version all I can say is - this AI is very very hard to beat!
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