Release Date calendar
May 26, 1990
Platform joystick
Sega Genesis
Game Type type
Max Players players

It is the 22nd century, and mankind has drained every planet in the solar system of its natural resources. A team of three Alpha-type robot spaceships was sent to the nearest neighboring system to seek out new sources, mine them, and send the scarce materials back to Earth. One day, while the team was investigating the planet called Voltegeus, it suddenly ceased to transmit and could not be contacted. Many years passed without a sign, and the ships were given up for lost. Then, Earth Defense Headquarters received word from Pluto Base of a huge unidentified object approaching our system. An infra-scan probe revealed the three Alpha ships at its core. In the hands of a hostile alien intelligence, the ships had been transformed into a gigantic, heavily-armed, flying fortress - bent on destroying Earth! The defenses of Earth have all failed to halt the juggernaut of destruction, and it now threatens to obliterate the planet. In a final desperate bid for survival, all resources have been expended to create one mighty jet fighter: Whip Rush. You must pilot Whip rush on a noble mission to deliver mankind from certain doom!

Alternate Names
  • Whip Rush: Wakusei Voltegas no Nazo Japan Japan
  • Whip Rush North America North America
  • Whip Rush 2222 AD



Not Rated

Vic Tokai
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