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Illustration of Winter Challenge

Winter Challenge


An Olympiad game simulating common winter game competitions - the Downhill, Giant Slalom, Luge, 2-men Bobsled, Ski Jump, Cross Country, Biathlon and Speed Skating.

The game features a basic 3D engine which allows to simulate slopes with ease, which enhances the gameplay of some events such as the Downhill. Gameplay, as expected from a Winter sports game, relies on finding the faster trajectories in most events (Downhill, Giant Slalom, Luge and Bobsled), pacing the run correctly (Cross Country and Biathlon), skill and timing (Ski Jump), with button mashing reserved for just one (speed skating). The player (up to ten) can select his (or her) competitor face and nationality from one of 16 possible choices, and by selecting different difficulty settings, different computer controlled athletes take part in the competition along the player.

It was originally released without a license from Sega, however following the Sega v. Accolade lawsuit, the game was re-released with a license.

Sega Genesis
Alternate Names
No information available


Box - 3D

Winter Challenge - Box - 3D - 729x1134
North America -  729 x 1134
Winter Challenge - Box - 3D - 729x1134
Europe -  729 x 1134

Box - Back

Winter Challenge - Box - Back - 957x1364
North America -  957 x 1364
Winter Challenge - Box - Back - 800x1115
Europe -  800 x 1115

Box - Front

Winter Challenge - Box - Front - 982x1387
North America -  982 x 1387
Winter Challenge - Box - Front - 800x1120
Europe -  800 x 1120

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Winter Challenge - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 817x1239
Europe -  817 x 1239

Box - Spine

Winter Challenge - Box - Spine - 96x680
United States -  96 x 680

Cart - Front

Winter Challenge - Cart - Front - 780x731
North America -  780 x 731
Winter Challenge - Cart - Front - 992x903
Europe -  992 x 903

Clear Logo

Winter Challenge - Clear Logo - 400x175
World -  400 x 175