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Illustration of Trials of the Blood Dragon

Trials of the Blood Dragon


In a world where Blood Dragons, beasts of unknown origin, roam free.

In a time where the future is not what it used to be, there's a man.

No, wait..

There's a boy.. and a girl.. Yes, a boy and a girl.

They are Roxanne and Slayter, the offspring of the legendary Rex Power Colt. They‘re as tough as their father, as smart as their mother and the best there ever was at being the best. 12 years on from Vietnam War 2, they're going to Vietnam War 4 to save the day, save freedom, and save the world.

Discover an epic single player experience with the unique combination of competitive, precise, physics-based Trials gameplay- and rather less precise gun toting, balls swinging, neon-drenched Blood Dragon action.

Journey through a colorful story with warzones in Vietnam, settling scores in Miami, confronting TV heroes in Tokyo and the odd detour into Space. Hell, you’re gonna go to Hell and back. The future is back. Are you ready?

Redlynx Ltd
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Trials of the Blood Dragon - Box - Front (null) - 215x294
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Clear Logo

Trials of the Blood Dragon - Clear Logo (null) - 323x263
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Fanart - Background

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Screenshot - Gameplay

Trials of the Blood Dragon - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 2430x1368
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