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Illustration of Elk Attack

Elk Attack


Silly name aside, Elk Attack is really a Pac-Man type game but without a maze. You control a Yo-Yo type machine, which must use its string to latch onto and destroy all the colored blocks on the screen. Along the way you'll encounter strange worm like creatures (sorry no elks), which will attempt to disrupt your Yo-Yo. To help you fight the worms there are power squares scattered around the board which when grabbed will render your Yo-Yo temporarily invincible and increase your speed. However unlike Pac-Man touching a worm while invincible will only net you points, and will not destroy of them. Because of this its best to just go about your business and clear the maze instead of hunting down the worms.

Elk Attack is a port of the obscure Taito arcade game Electric Yo-Yo! Programmer Mark Hahn named the game Elk Attack as a joke, and probably would have changed the name had it been published. The game was left in its current state.

The following is hidden in the code: ELK ATTACK (c) 1987 Mark R. Hahn

Mark R. Hahn
Atari 2600
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Elk Attack - Box - 3D - 455x672
North America -  455 x 672

Clear Logo

Elk Attack - Clear Logo - 400x124
400 x 124

Fanart - Box - Back

Elk Attack - Fanart - Box - Back - 500x680
North America -  500 x 680

Fanart - Box - Front

Elk Attack - Fanart - Box - Front - 669x916
North America -  669 x 916
Elk Attack - Fanart - Box - Front - 500x680
North America -  500 x 680

Fanart - Cart - Front

Elk Attack - Fanart - Cart - Front - 546x666
North America -  546 x 666
Elk Attack - Fanart - Cart - Front - 404x466
North America -  404 x 466

Screenshot - Game Title

Elk Attack - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x480
North America -  640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

Elk Attack - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
North America -  640 x 480