Super Invaders was written by Geoff Crammond. It is a Space Invaders variant. The player controls his defender ship left and right and has to prevent aliens from landing by shooting at them. Some protection is offered by four bastions which can take some shots before being destroyed. This version of the game offers three different difficulties with the harder ones offering some additional gameplay features. The easier one, A Mild Encounter, plays like traditional Space Invaders. In the Uncomfortable Situation difficulty the UFO, when it survives without being shot, produces a force shield that guides the aliens and hastens their speed. The hard mode is called A Terrifying Experience and here the alien projectiles have a homing capability and follow the player. There are three different kinds of aliens and they are scored depending on how far from the player they are. The player has three lives and an extra is earned after 5000 and 15000 points.
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