Your favorite Uncle, from whom you haven't heard from in years has just died. He left you a peculiar inheiritance: a painting of a beautiful woman and the following note:
"I am leaving you Parrish's "Earthly Delight" to you because I believe you will appreciate her as much as I have. She isn't worth much in the art market, but if you take care of her, she will reward you as she has me; with many hours of pleasure. Never part with her."
Soon after you take delivery of the picture, a stranger comes to your home, offering to buy "Earthly Delight" for $75,000 cash. This makes you suspicious, and remembering your uncle's note (which suddenly takes on a new signifigance) you flatly refuse to sell.
The next night you are asleep in your bed, when you are awakened in the middle of the night by a faint scraping sound coming from another room......
Dust off your trenchcoat, gather your courage and prepare for the text adventure of a lifetime! Think of it - world travel, international intrigue, mystery and danger. In the Infocom tradition, DATAMOST proudly presents Earthly Delights, an unpredictable adventure starring an even more unpredictable hero - you!