This is a top-down adventure game from the Detective Conan series featuring Edogawa Conan (real name is Kudo Shinichi) as a protagonist on a case to solve the mystery on an island. In this game you must play as Conan, Sonoko, and Kogoro, as they all obtain clues to solve the crime. Miki and Satomi Togawa from the previous game return. Certain areas of the game can only be accessed with certain characters. Also, characters interact differently with you depending on which character you are. One example is when Conan interacts with the Detective Boys. When you talk to them as Conan, they are happy to share any information they can find, but if you talk to them as Kogoro or Sonoko, they will refuse to help you. Kogoro will always look annoyed whenever he talks to Conan. To switch characters, you have to walk to that certain character and talk to them twice.
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