Release Date calendar
July 13, 2010
Game Type type

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Max Players players

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DeathSpank, (also known as DeathSpank: Orphans of Justice), is a comedy action role-playing game created by game designers Ron Gilbert and Clayton Kauzlaric. It follows the titular character DeathSpank in his quest to find an item known as The Artifact. DeathSpank is an action role-playing game which also features elements from graphic adventure games. Combat gameplay is similar to Diablo. Players can acquire several pieces of armor and weaponry, each with different abilities and attributes. During combat players can chain attacks in combos, which in turn deal more damage with each hit. As more hits are gained on enemies, DeathSpank's Justice Meter will fill. Once full, the player can unleash more powerful attacks for a limited time. In-game conversations with non-player characters are also a large part of the game. DeathSpank features advanced dialog options, similar to LucasArts' Monkey Island series which play a large part in unfolding the game's story. These conversations may lead to quests for DeathSpank.

Alternate Names

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Hothead Games
Electronic Arts
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