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Illustration of Lady Bug

Lady Bug


An action game in the same style as Pac-Man but very very different. Players control a ladybug who must venture around different mazes collecting all of the food pellet "x"'s. In addition to there being regular lines of wall in the maze, there are also several rotating doors that can be used to trap enemies and escape. In fact these rotating doors are the key to survival in this game. In the center of each maze is a different enemy insect hive that will spawn out enemy creatures. An new enemy creature is spawned every time the border around the screen makes a complete "lap". Timers for the border vary upon the level, so later levels will generate new enemies faster, thus progression through the game brings smarter, faster and more quickly spawning enemies.

In addition to the collection of X's, each maze also contains a variety of powerups that come in three types: Poison, Letters and Hearts. Poison is deadly both to the player and the enemy. If the player is able to lure and enemy creature into a poison powerup, it will die and be removed from gameplay. Letters and hearts are powerups with multiple conditions: Collected at the right time they will add letters that will eventually spell words providing bonuses. However collected during the the improper time will only earn the player a few points. For most of the gameplay the colour of all powerups (except skulls which are unaffected) will be blue. But every few seconds it will cycle through yellow and then red colours. Grabbing a letter when flashing the colour will add it to that colour's word. The red word is "SPECIAL" and the yellow word is "EXTRA". Spelling the word, EXTRA gains the player an extra life, and spelling the word, SPECIAL brings the player to a special bonus round.

Hearts are best used as blue powerups as they will act as multipliers for the X's being picked up, first as 2x, then as 3x and finally as 5x. Multipliers are lost when the player dies, but letter powerups are not.

Alternate Names
No information available


Arcade - Controls Information

Lady Bug - Arcade - Controls Information (null) - 645x1044
645 x 1044

Box - 3D

Lady Bug - Box - 3D (North America) - 452x672
North America -  452 x 672

Box - Back

Lady Bug - Box - Back (Europe) - 493x679
Europe -  493 x 679
Lady Bug - Box - Back (North America) - 640x895
North America -  640 x 895

Box - Front

Lady Bug - Box - Front (United Kingdom) - 414x565
United Kingdom -  414 x 565
Lady Bug - Box - Front (Europe) - 495x679
Europe -  495 x 679
Lady Bug - Box - Front (North America) - 669x916
North America -  669 x 916

Box - Spine

Lady Bug - Box - Spine (North America) - 132x916
North America -  132 x 916

Cart - Front

Lady Bug - Cart - Front (North America) - 582x853
North America -  582 x 853

Clear Logo

Lady Bug - Clear Logo (World) - 400x108
World -  400 x 108
Lady Bug - Clear Logo (null) - 3842x1062
3842 x 1062


Lady Bug - Disc (null) - 3842x1062
3842 x 1062

Screenshot - Game Over

Lady Bug - Screenshot - Game Over (null) - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Game Title

Lady Bug - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Lady Bug - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200
Lady Bug - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200
Lady Bug - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200