Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore Amiga
Game Type type
Max Players players

‘Ere, these PD puzzlers are blimmin’ good, aren’t they? Dragon Cave is a mega-marvelous maze-based monster maul and for once it actually has a plot! Smaug the dragon has a problem. He needs (for reasons unspecified) to push his treasure chests into certain places within his caverns. Trouble is he’s too big to wend his weary way through the maze of corridors that is his domain - why he’s hiding his treasure in places he can’t even get into isn’t specified, but muggins (that’s you) has volunteered to help. Set over umpteen single-screen levels, you must push the chests into the positions indicated. You can’t push more than one chest or pull them at all, so it’s very easy to slam one into a corner, making it irretrievable. Luckily there’s an ‘undo’ option for just this situation. You get a choice of 2D or 3D perspectives - the latter looks far better but is all-but-useless when playing the game. There’s a level editor too, so in the unlikely event of you completing the game’s many levels, you can swap a few with your friends. There are no passwords, but you can pick your starting level. The heart of a game like Dragon Cave is its layout, and this one certainly isn’t found lacking. An absolute rip-snorter and a bargain at PD prices - buy it!

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Bernstein Zirkel
Bernstein Zirkel
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