
Deluxe Pac-Man

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore Amiga
Game Type type
Max Players players

Edgar M. Vigdal said: This is my personal version of the old, but still wonderful game PacMan (or maybe Jelly Monster). It's not a copy of the original because I have never played the arcade machine. This game was written after some good memories of the game 'Jelly Monster' on the VIC-20. This game was one of the first games I had on the old 3.5KB computer, and my brother and I were fighting like mad to beat each others high score. The heart pounded, the adrenaline was flowing in great amounts, and the fingers shivered. The game is like this. Our yellow hero Pacman must eat all of the pills in the maze to get to the next maze. But danger lurks in the maze. Four evil ghosts are looking for Pacman, and they want to stop Pacman from getting to the next maze. In the maze there are some power pills that Pacman can eat, and he can then kill the ghosts for a limited time. There are also some fruits that popup from time to time, and Pacman can eat these for extra bonus points. And sometimes some special tools will appear which, when eaten, may affect Pacman or the pills or even the ghosts. Some will speed up Pacman, some will give random points and some will lead to extra levels. I hope you have got the plot by now because it's really simple - just survive in the maze as long as possible and get the highest score.

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Edgar M. Vigdal
Edgar M. Vigdal
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