
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future

Release Date calendar
July 1, 1986
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

While recording an episode of "This is Your Life" in honour of you, Dan Dare, Earth receives communication from an alien known as the Mekon. The alien threatens the planet with annihilation using a hollowed out asteroid, unless he is made master of the galaxy. In response, you immediately travel to the asteroid in the starship Anastasia, along with professor Peabody, your friend Digby and his alien companion Stripey. However Digby and the professor are captured by Treens just after landing, and are being held prisoner inside the asteroid. You must free the prisoners, and defeat the Mekon menace. The Commodore 64 version of the game is an action game with adventure elements. Dan Dare can be moved around the screen using the joystick, and can throw a limited number of grenades by pressing the fire button and selecting a direction. Your alien companion Stripey will follow you between screens. If you run into an alien Treen, you will enter boxing mode, where your energy and your opponents are shown. Holding the button down and moving up or down will shift your guard up or down, or towards your opponent to punch. Finally, if Dan gets close enough to an object or important place, a caption will be displayed. By holding down the fire button and moving up or down, different possible interactions (such as picking up the object, or using an inventory item there) can be selected. Your goal is to discover various items scattered about the asteroid, and use them to enter the complex, free the prisoners, destroy the navigation computers, and then defeat the Mekon before escaping in your ship.

Alternate Names
  • Dan Dare



Not Rated

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