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Platform joystick
Commodore Amiga
Game Type type
Max Players players

The F-16 is proving a pretty popular jet for simulations these days. That is not surprising because the F-16 is probably the best dogfighter around. It is fast, highly manoeuvrable, highly equipped, and well armed. It is also flown by some of the best pilots in the world. Which is where you come in. You will start as a 1st Lieutenant – about the same kind of level as Interceptor. You cannot crash the thing – even into mountains – and the enemy is slipped a couple of Valium to keep them docile. MiGs are soft as Andrex and SAM missile bases do not launch at you should you stray who will arm your plane for you. But load up too heavy and you will plummet out of the sky. There are a dozen missions to undertake and these range from the Milk Run, in which you go in for a bit of target practice, to Grand Slam in which you are required to take out four MiGs. Your various missions, failures and successes are all recorded in the Sierra Hotel role of honour. The graphics in Falcon are fine, the opposing MiGs are particularly well detailed, and there is a good deal to see on the ground. Sound is OK, and an improvement on most flight sims by the inclusion of a ‘Bitchin’ Betty’, an audible warning that nags at you if you are in trouble. Well authentic. Falcon is packed with depth and since this is a review and not a manual I simple do not have room to tell you just how good it is. No doubt it will be superseded by another sim soon, that is the beauty of the software scene. Until then, it is Sierra Hotel.

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