Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story I: Senritsu no Blue is a first-person action shooting game based on the popular Mobile Suit Gundam media franchise. Relatively unique among Gundam games, it tells an original story not adapted from another media, and is the first in a three-part trilogy. It is set during the One Year War, shortly after Operation Odessa; the player controls Earth Federation pilot Yuu Kajima, who alongside his teammates Philip Hughes and Summona Fulis are sent on missions with experimental Mobile Suits in order to collect data for production. The team encounters a mysterious blue Mobile Suit that seems bent on eradicating Yuu's team, and which seems to show up without warning. The game is divided into five missions, each of which has specific objectives such as destroying a particular target or defending a specific structure or character. The story is told through radio communications during gameplay, and objectives may change as the mission progresses. There are no branching story paths or loadout customization, though the player is ranked at the end of each mission which has an effect on the overall ending. Save data can be carried over into the sequel.
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