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Illustration of Kingdoms of England

Kingdoms of England


Back in days of yore, when knights were bold and the ozone layer was a good deal healthier than it is now, Cinemaware released Defender of the Crown. Cast your minds back to 1985, and you’ll remember it as a nifty amalgam of strong graphics, ear-pleasin’ sounds and eye-pleasin’ action. Now Gainstar prepare to do battle in the medieval games market with Kingdoms Of England - complete with multiplayer option and an allegedly complex gameplay - or is it? Unfortunately, Kingdoms of England lacks most of the gloss that helped make DOTC such a roaring success. Gone are the glitzy interlude pictures, glamorous women and valiant sword fights. All in living breathing technicolor.

Kingdoms Of England sends you time-travelling back to 1421 and a time when England is divided into 63 conquerable provinces. Each area has a Tax value showing how much revenue the owner can collect, and a Terrain value detailing how easy or hard the area is to traverse with an army. In addition, you are also told who owns the land you wish to conquer and how big an army he has. Blimey! That’s not all. For instance, prior to battle, you can travel to the local town and recruit more men, at a price, split your forces allowing you to attack on as many fronts as you choose and even build your own castle. When you finally get down to business and are about to let fly with bows and arrows, Kingdoms Of England features a Quick Battle Mode which numerically decides the outcome of battle, allowing you the options of surrendering or retreating. You also have some say in what the catapults are directed at. For fully-fledged battle, you may move your troops and fire your catapults as you wish... if you don’t the computer will sort something out for you. And that’s about it.

Graphically, Kingdoms of England is a definite thumbs-aloft situation with carefully sketched color maps, some very convincing castles and the archery competition will please the most jaded eyes. But it would have been nice to have more of a game and less attention to the few frilly edges. All in all, a right royal effort. All together now, three cheers for the King!

Alternate Names
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Box - Back

Kingdoms of England - Box - Back - 640x955
Europe -  640 x 955

Box - Front

Kingdoms of England - Box - Front - 640x950
Europe -  640 x 950

Clear Logo

Kingdoms of England - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175


Kingdoms of England - Disc - 318x331
318 x 331

Screenshot - Game Select

Kingdoms of England - Screenshot - Game Select - 640x360
640 x 360

Screenshot - Game Title

Kingdoms of England - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x360
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Screenshot - Gameplay

Kingdoms of England - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x360
640 x 360
Kingdoms of England - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x360
640 x 360
Kingdoms of England - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x360
640 x 360