
Legend of Djel

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore Amiga
Game Type type

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Max Players players

You are Djel, only son of Hokram the ex-chieftan and Esabelle the witch. On then deathbed, their only wish was to be recognised as people with moral fiber, rather than the dodgy, trouble-making magic users that everybody assumed they were. Now's your chance to clear the family honour and make a name for yourself. The underlying storyline is simple enough: something is causing mischief amongst the mightier members of your land. Kal the Pauper has had to steal all the crops from your nation in order to live. Azeulisse, the mistress of the 100 countries, has had her daughter abducted: and until she is returned, no more children will be born. Finally, Theros, a rather rich magician, has caught a vile skin disease. Until he's rid of it, the plague will spread throughout the length and breadth of the land. You are not without help, however. Petroy the gnome, faithful companion to Hokram, reckons that he can make a potion for Theros' disease: if he gets the right ingredients. And a useful heirloom inherited from daddy is the mysterious Great Alambic. The pictures used in legend of Djel are quite good, although the quality ranges from good to suspect. Colour strobing is used to indicate that something interesting is going on, which makes you suspect that whoever programmed it wasn't clued up on animation techniques to any extent. The sub-games, while competent, don't stretch the Amiga in the least. After some sampled music at the start, the effects are rather puny by today's standards. If you want a mouse click adventure game, then Legend of Djel is just what the doctor ordered. In terms of appeal or depth, it really doesn't have anything to recommend it, but the puzzling may keep you occupied for a few days.

Alternate Names

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