Do you have a young child who walks around the house saying "What's that called?" Or an even younger one saying "Was dat?" Or perhaps an older one asking "How do you spell that?" The designers of the Let's Spell series have been following these kids around and are now providing them with a few answers. Let's spell at home allows the child to wander around a neat two storey brick and tile home with garage and backyard to observe its contents. "What's that?" will always be responded to with the name of the item appearing on the screen. Young children will enjoy exploring the house and its contents for quite some time. This is however, a spelling program. It has been designed to assist children in recognizing and identifying commonly used words. It also serves as an introduction to the letters of the alphabet and demonstrates their function. This spelling program is fun to use and easy for young children to operate on their own. It will certainly help them recognise letters and words. The sound program is not flexible enough to provide accurate sound in each case and may cause a little confusion. It can only deal with nouns, but as an introduction to spelling it provides more than enough scope for the beginner.
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