
Manhunter: New York

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore Amiga
Game Type type

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Max Players players

Manhunter: New York is a point and click adventure game. Well, maybe not so much click. The game doesn't have outstanding graphics, even for that period. It doesn't have a richly developed storyline, either. What it does have is just enough plot and just enough mystery and adventure to keep most people interested. Manhunter is puzzle driven with some arcade style action sequences thrown in. While the NPC character development is very weak, it is your detective skills in tracking the non-playing characters and determining their motives that makes the game interesting. The game begins in the future. The year 2002 to be exact (ahem). Aliens have invaded New York and taken over the city. Being that the aliens have no arms and legs they must recruit humans to do the work of policing the population and eliminating any threats to the alien rule. Your part in the game begins two years after the invasion. You are one of the privileged manhunters and are rousted form your slumber by one of the aliens who is directing you to investigate a case involving an explosion and murder at Bellevue Hospital. Your adventure will take place over the course of four days. Bottom line. Even though Manhunter: New York is not strong on either the plot or graphics fronts it is, nonetheless, fun to play. The game will certainly test your puzzle solving and detective skills. Long live the resistance.

Alternate Names

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