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Illustration of Archipelagos



Archipelagos is a real-time puzzle and strategy game with an unconventional premise and equally unconventional gameplay.

In the future, man carelessly poisons the earth with nuclear waste. The polar ice caps have melted, turning the surface of the earth into many islands of decaying land masses, known as Archipelagos. Man then built systems to try to clean up the pollution, but these failed. The only life left were genetically-altered plants made in an effort to clean up the waste -- these also turned hostile. It is up to you to clean up the earth, island by island.

Controlling a hoversphere, it is up to you to make Earth's many islands of land habitable. To do this, you need to knock out the radiation generators on each island, which can be done by knocking out each generator's power sources (there are several per island). Once these are knocked out, you have 90 seconds to get back to the generator and disable it before it melts down, taking you with it.

Obstacles, unfortunately for you, are plentiful: You can't knock out a power source unless it is connected by a "land bridge" to the generator. You have the ability to create land where needed, but this takes up energy, and you have a limited supply. Also a hindrance are the many genetically-altered entities left behind on the islands: Viral trees that poison the ground; necromancers (former hoverspheres) that now erode land instead of creating it; eco eggs that explode on touch; and aircleaners, who are ruthlessly efficient in cleaning up the air -- and everything else, including you.

The entire game plays from a 3D first-person viewpoint. A movable cursor selects where to move or what to manipulate.

There are 10,000 islands on Earth to purify. If you can make it past Archipelago #100, you are then free to select any of them.

Astral Software
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Box - 3D

Archipelagos - Box - 3D - 818x1247
818 x 1247

Box - Back

Archipelagos - Box - Back - 800x1001
North America -  800 x 1001
Archipelagos - Box - Back - 800x948
Europe -  800 x 948

Box - Front

Archipelagos - Box - Front - 800x1011
North America -  800 x 1011
Archipelagos - Box - Front - 800x945
Europe -  800 x 945

Clear Logo

Archipelagos - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175
Archipelagos - Clear Logo - 859x167
859 x 167


Archipelagos - Disc - 705x738
Europe -  705 x 738

Screenshot - Game Title

Archipelagos - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Archipelagos - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200