Vietcong: Fist Alpha

Release Date calendar
January 30, 2004
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

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Vietcong: Fist Alpha is an expansion pack for the computer game Vietcong. It was released in February 2004. It is a prequel to Vietcong, occurring three months before the events of that game. In Fist Alpha you play the main character of Sergeant First Class Douglas Warren. All the members of the team from the original Vietcong are present initially except for Le Duy Nhut (Nick). The team's pointman and translator is Vietnamese Sergeant Nham Nguyen. He is killed in action during the attack on the Nui Pek base camp on 15 May 1966 and then he is replaced by Nhut.

Alternate Names

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