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Illustration of King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown


Unofficial fan-made remake of Sierra's 1990 remake version of King's Quest I. The fan-made remake was released on August 7th, 2001 with the intention of making the quality and interface similar to King's Quest V. It was the first complete fan-made adventure remake ever released, and the first to ever include a voice pack. The updated versions included updating the graphics to use VGA colors, dropping the parser in favor of an interface that mimics that of King's Quest V, and full speech - including the voice of the original voice actor for King Graham in Sierra's official CD-ROM full-speech versions of King's Quest V and VI, Josh Mandel. Later remake versions included original hand-drawn artwork.

The original 1984 release of King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown, was a revolutionary game designed by Roberta Williams and epitomized the classic adventure gaming experience of the era. This game was the first of its kind which allowed the player to interact in an entirely original 2.5D world, and can be credited as the game that started graphic adventure gaming on the PC. Though the original AGI parser-based version is outdated and primitive-looking by today's gaming standards, in 1984 it was revolutionary. King's Quest I was not only groundbreaking, but also history in the making. It was followed by seven sequels bearing the King's Quest title.

AGD Interactive
AGD Interactive
Alternate Names
  • King's Quest 1: Quest for the Crown


Box - Back

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - Box - Back - 800x1140
World -  800 x 1140

Box - Front

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - Box - Front - 800x1140
World -  800 x 1140

Clear Logo

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175

Screenshot - Game Title

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x400
640 x 400

Screenshot - Gameplay

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400