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Illustration of Tanglewood



Ha! Here's something you didn't know: you've got an uncle called Arthur. He's not from East Enders and he doesn't have a mate called Terry but he does own the mining rights to T'ngl-y-wd. Spit in my eye, eh? Isn't the world a small place guv'nor? Well, yeah, it is a small place and that is why T'ngl-y-wd isn't on it – actually. It's a 'small undistinguished planet in a remote galaxy'. Arthur didn't worry about it much until he found out that it contained some pretty valuable stones, then he shot his mouth off over a couple of pints of beer and was elbowed out by the mining company. Yup, those nice men at the mining centre have hidden Arthur's documents and re-established the planet's operational base. There's a court case in ten days and Arthur (sounds a bit like my uncle, Ripperbile) needs to find those papers or he's out on his ear.

This is definitely an arcade-style adventure weighted towards the arcade. You might find the puzzles pretty devious, but it's all a question of having the right thing at the right time. If you like your adventures grilled and ready to eat you probably won't find Tanglewood instantly appealing. You could spend ages exploring this deep and mysterious world – there must be some juicy titbits somewhere – but it takes so long to get anywhere that you might decide to throw your disk over the nearest bridge and cut your toenails instead. But watch out – you might start enjoying yourself!

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Back

Tanglewood - Box - Back - 623x812
North America -  623 x 812

Box - Front

Tanglewood - Box - Front - 640x812
North America -  640 x 812
Tanglewood - Box - Front - 640x812
United Kingdom -  640 x 812

Clear Logo

Tanglewood - Clear Logo - 767x798
North America -  767 x 798


Tanglewood - Disc - 320x330
North America -  320 x 330

Screenshot - Game Title

Tanglewood - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x400
640 x 400

Screenshot - Gameplay

Tanglewood - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400
Tanglewood - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400
Tanglewood - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400