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Illustration of Terran Envoy

Terran Envoy


Life as a detective is hard enough on one planet. After all, there's no accounting for the twists and turns of the criminal mind. With a whole solar system to hide in, what could a super criminal get up to? This particular one looks like overthrowing the galactic council and plunging the whole galaxy into chaos. It's your job to track him down and find out exactly who and what he is.

It's lucky that you've been kitted out with the latest in crime fighting technology - the ray of justice. This highly sensitive and powerful device needs to be used with caution and is powered with crystals. In fact the whole game revolves around the movement and manipulation of crystals. These can be mined from planets and their presence is located with the aid of the crystal detector. As you move around the solar system with your warp drives you will meet aliens. They can be communicated with and questioned in the hope of building up a picture of your prey. All of this information has to be constructed in a Cluedo like way so that you have enough information to use the ray of justice, convict the traitor in the space council and leave the universe a happy place again. Should you have been wrong in your deductions then it's game over time as the incensed alien reports you to the council.

A nice attempt at a difficult idea, Terran Envoy is brave, original and interesting. Not a game for action fans, this one is hardcore strategy from beginning to end. Fun it is for thinkers, but I'd advise anyone to check it out before downloading.

Alternate Names
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Box - Front

Terran Envoy - Box - Front - 640x850
Australia -  640 x 850

Clear Logo

Terran Envoy - Clear Logo - 134x45
134 x 45


Terran Envoy - Disc - 452x453
452 x 453

Screenshot - Game Select

Terran Envoy - Screenshot - Game Select - 640x400
640 x 400

Screenshot - Game Title

Terran Envoy - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x400
640 x 400

Screenshot - Gameplay

Terran Envoy - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400
Terran Envoy - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400
Terran Envoy - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x400
640 x 400