The game is based on the manga Maison Ikkoku by Rumiko Takahashi. Set in Tokyo of the 80's, the story can be described as a romantic tale with a touch of comedy. It centers on a boarding house which is managed by the young and lovely widow Kyoko Otonashi. The protagonist is a college student named Yusaki Godai, and his relationship with Kyoko is the main plot line. The game's story approximately corresponds to the middle volumes of the manga until the conclusion. The game is a "puzzle-less" adventure, the gameplay mostly focusing on simply depleting all the verb commands at every given screen and moving between locations. The commands include the usual "Look", "Talk", and Move" typical for Japanese adventures (no "Think" command), but also context-sensitive commands "Eat", "Drink", etc., as well as the possibility to use certain inventory items.
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