And after a decent weekend's bender this is one game I wouldn't be playing come Monday morning. All your faculties need to be in tip-top form for a bout of Beambender - your mind must be clear and your hand can't be shaking. The basic premise of the game is this: you have a cannon (though there could be more, depending on the level) that periodically fires a beam of coloured light, the colour depending on the colour of the cannon. This beam of light needs to be directed towards the colour coded exit through a series of mirrors and other gadgets, and all of this needs to be done within a strict time limit. With some 80 levels this is going to really test you, because they start getting difficult from as early as level three onwards. Be prepared for a serious cerebral workout. The layouts are usually clever enough to give you a good challenge without having to break of and deal with the pests every couple of seconds and this, for me, took some of the shine off an otherwise splendid game.
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