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SimCity 4


The game allows players to create a region of land by terraforming, and then to design and build a settlement which can grow into a city. Players can zone different areas of land as commercial, industrial, or residential development, as well as build and maintain public services, transport and utilities. For the success of a city players must manage its finances, environment, and quality of life for its residents.

The most noticeable change in the fourth main game in the series comes through the new graphics, now in full 3D. The basic goal remains the same: build the ultimate city. You do this by balancing funding of community services with taxes, transit fares, and other forms of income.

But now you have more options. The new god mode tools allow you to sculpt a realistic terrain in seconds. And now disasters won't happen in random locations, you choose where to unleash them. There are all new buildings, and the gameplay is a bit more challenging this time: you have to actually start small, the way a real city is developed, or you'll run out of money. You can also import people from The Sims and insert them into your city, and have them give you feedback.

Your advisors are improved. They too are in full 3D, and they won't annoy you as much. They will provide you with helpful advice, and you can listen to them or annoy them to the point that they all turn into llamas. Literally.

SimCity 4 also lets you control your neighboring cities. Low demand for industry? Go next door and build some houses. Then connect the two cities with roads, and soon residents of your neighbor will want jobs. The game stays true to its predecessors, while adding new features and improvements.

Electronic Arts
Alternate Names
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

SimCity 4 - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 1920x1080
North America -  1920 x 1080

Box - 3D

SimCity 4 - Box - 3D - 567x878
567 x 878

Box - Back

SimCity 4 - Box - Back - 800x1157
North America -  800 x 1157

Box - Front

SimCity 4 - Box - Front - 650x937
North America -  650 x 937

Clear Logo

SimCity 4 - Clear Logo - 2805x706
2805 x 706


SimCity 4 - Disc - 800x812
North America -  800 x 812
SimCity 4 - Disc - 800x812
North America -  800 x 812

Fanart - Background

SimCity 4 - Fanart - Background - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
SimCity 4 - Fanart - Background - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Fanart - Box - Front

SimCity 4 - Fanart - Box - Front - 1528x2171
Europe -  1528 x 2171

Screenshot - Game Title

SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Game Title - 1024x768
1024 x 768

Screenshot - Gameplay

SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024
SimCity 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x1024
1280 x 1024