Cloud Chamber

Release Date calendar
August 7, 2014
Platform joystick
Game Type type

No information available

Max Players players

No information available


Cloud Chamber is marketed as a massively multiplayer story game. It is an investigation game where players need to piece together a story by watching footage in a large database and discussing it with other players. The footage is presented as parts of a science documentary commissioned by The Petersen Institute. It is a space research institute involved with space physics, particle physics, astrophysics and biophysics. The focus of the documentary is on Kathleen Petersen, Deputy Director of Research and Physicist, and the daughter of the company boss Gustav Petersen. The title refers to the cloud chamber, an experimental vault designed to catch subatomic particles. The footage, in full motion video, starts off as a regular documentary with Kathleen, film maker Tom, employee Max and the boss Gustav as the main characters. It also contains very different fragments, such as an experiment on a roof to trap a mysterious space signal, Kathleen motivations for the project after her mother Ingrid's strange death, the notes and letters of her mother, the work of Gustav, and video diaries of the various characters. There are also audio transcripts, pictures, sketches and various papers and documents. The various types of media are not shown in a chronological order. They are organized in a large 3D database, split up in ten chapters with multiple nodes per chapter. Height plays a role as higher nodes contain mode important information than lower ones. The player travels from one node to the next in a virtual 3D world. 'Progress' through the chapter is achieved by watching a piece of footage or examining an item, which opens up one or multiple additional nodes and eventually the next chapter. There is no interactivity or choice in the media, except by determining what to watch next. Players move from node to node, can zoom out, and nodes can be revisited. Video can be set full screen and for pictures it is possible to zoom in to view all the details. There are no puzzles to solve to further the game. Every player sees the same type of content, but the players have to fill in the rest of the content by discussing it. Next to media each node contains a discussion screen where players can post comments, reply, and upvote or downvote explanations. The footage itself does not present a conclusion, this is for the players to examine. There are about 150 fragments and also more than 30 videos from the European Space Agency.

Alternate Names

No information available


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Not Rated

Adventure, MMO
Investigate North
Investigate North
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